Cord lamp manufacturer: LED lamp manufacturer teaches you how to solve the problems encountered in the production of LED soft light strips

2022-04-18 1242

1. Bubble problem of glue during the production of Led soft light strip

Reason: The longer the B glue or polyurethane glue is mixed, the thicker the glue will become. When the glue becomes thicker, it is difficult to discharge bubbles. Solution: shorten the operation time (divided into: glue preparation time, vacuum pumping time, parking time, and use time when dropping glue).


2. The surface of glue is not dry during the production of Led soft light strip

The reason is that the glue ratio is not accurate or the mixing is not uniform enough. Inaccurate water ratio: when the ratio is inaccurate, some glues will not react chemically, and will not be fully cured without reaction, so it will not dry or very sticky. Solution: Please control the error range of glue preparation within 1% - 1.5%. The main reasons for the cracking of the glue on the light strip patch lamp are that the glue is not fully solidified due to inaccurate glue preparation or uneven mixing, and the surface coating of the light strip is not thick enough.

Article source: cord lamp manufacturer